
Plants for Mom's Homemade Salsa

So I forgot about these little pods! Mom gave them to me so I could give some to her for homemade salsa. She has an amazing recipe. 

Here they are. Two Roma Tomatoes, two Jalapeño Peppers, and two Cilantro. We are going to have so many Jalapeño Peppers!  

Roma Tomatoes - now is fine, indoors
Jalapeño Peppers - now is fine, indoors 
Cilantro - In ground 4 weeks before last frost

So... the next photos are pots from Grandma's backyard. They were pretty much just strewn about in the yard with the weeds, so I collected the useable ones, and I washed these to start the seed pods! And I'll be planting them outdoors once the danger of frost is gone.


And this is how they looked when they had been washed!! My kitchen table has been taken over haha.

Love how this looks.

The First Real Post

Not really the first real post... but the first that I feel is actually about progress. I've been thrilled about  these little plants. Here are some images!

Right after the seed tubes came in from Urban Garden Seeds! 

Made a list of everything I was going to plant, and when to plant it. 


I was so happy when I was planning all of this. 

And the excitement when these little Painted Daisies came in!!! Every day I see their progress I just get so excited.

Pretty hard to see but I couldn't believe anything was coming up at all honestly.

The beginning :)

We'll have lots of peppers!

Because so many of the seeds are 10+ years from my Grandma, I was so surprised that they germinated. Everyone said they probably wouldn't be viable, but I wanted to at least give them a try. Look at this Sweet Williams flower! 

Because I used some dirt from outside for some of my plants, there may be weeds growing... we'll find out. I know. I'll try not to take that risk next time haha. 

They were doing well and then I found them all squished... I think it may have been Mittens but I'm not sure. 


This one got droopy and I don't know why. I think it may be lacking light, but it made me sad. I'm going to try and figure out what to do.

Current Sweet Williams progress. 

Look at those Painted Daisies!

My lettuce from scraps is doing well. I've got about five going now.

Check out this orchid plant! Need to get the stalk to pin it up.

So much lettuce!

The roots of my Ginseng plant look super weird and I don't know why :/ not enough water? Too much water?

 The squished Painted Daisies trying to come back.

Snake plant being amazing as usual, along with some succulents and the best lemon candle. 

Super giant snake plant being awesome. 

And that's it for this post! I've been meaning to update for a while. Excited to continue.

Cat being cute.